Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth - update for businesses

We continue to engage with the Operation London Bridge delivery team. Guidance about the queuing system for visitors wishing to view Her Late Majesty lying in state is expected at 10pm this evening. Further comms will follow.

For now, we have received the following information from the police regarding significant road closures in the coming days, which are focused around the Parliament, St James, Birdcage Walk, Green Park areas:

Wednesday 14th September (Day +5)  

Her Majesty the Queen’s coffin will move from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall at approximately 2pm.

From 5pm, Her Majesty will lie-in-state in Westminster Hall resulting in Parliament Square being closed to all vehicles. Depending on the size of queue, further spontaneous vehicular closures may occur in Victoria Embankment and Westminster Bridge Road.

Look Forward

Presently planning is based upon the following expected events, however this is subject to change.

Thursday 15th (Day +6)

Her Majesty will lie-in-state in Westminster Hall with vehicular restrictions in the environs of Parliament Sq for the entire day.

Please contact Claire Dumontier-Marriage if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.